I don't surf, but I do Cartoons about it...

(I don't really surf, but I still do Cartoons about it... hence, "Me and my 'Drawing Board'" above)

This is meant to be a portfolio site -- where you can see samples of my work...

Please click below for samples of my...

I teach and lecture about VISUAL STORYTELLING, Cartooning and drawing, and creativity

My CARtoons appeared in a special exhibition in
The Los Angeles County Museum of Art (July 2015 - January 1, 2016)
and in a Gallery Show in January 2017 (La Luz de Jesus Gallery, Los Angeles)


Please follow the links above
to see what I've done in the past...
and how you might use my work now.

I've been working in almost every area of creative media for 65 years!
I began my professional career when I was in High School
with freelance work as a cartoonist, writer, photographer, and artist for
major automotive and boating publications, including:
HOT BOAT and Boating News
I was soon cartooning and writing for numerous comic books...
HOT ROD Cartoons
SURFtoons magazine
Stunt Dawgs comics
WHAM-O Giant Comics
Harvey Comics' Back To The Future series
Cracked! magazine.

Along the way, I've been on the staff of a couple newspapers:
The New York Times, Westcoast Edition
Victoria Times-Colonist

And a couple video game companies:
Sanctuary Woods Multimedia
Electronic Arts

I've spent several years working in Video and film -- drawing storyboards and other imagery for animation and live action:
Contributed to the Emmy Award-winning Arthur animated television series and...

Storyboards, concept art, and animatics for
Scary Movie 3
Scary Movie 4
The Fog
Case 39.
Escape From Planet Earth
and numerous other movies and television series...

There's a great story about my career in the January 2016 edition of BL!SSS Magazine.

BL!SSS Story
The relevant pages are: Cover, Pg 18 and Pgs 76-79

    • Contact me by phone (778) 977-4268 text or voice or by e-mail: nelson@artzy.ca.
Rather than lose detail, I've made many of the
samples on this site rather large -- which might require
scrolling left-to-right and up-and-down to see the entire image.
If you'd like to see more detail, or original artwork, please contact me.